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ADODB Transaction and MSSQL

Ein Thema von miroslaw · begonnen am 14. Jan 2007 · letzter Beitrag vom 15. Jan 2007

Registriert seit: 14. Jan 2007
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ADODB Transaction and MSSQL

  Alt 14. Jan 2007, 23:21
Datenbank: MSSQL 2005 Express • Zugriff über: ADO

I'd like to use transactions accessing MSSQL 2005. I'm using Delphi 5.
The following code causes Ole exception:

    _conId := TADOConnection.Create (nil);

    _conId.ConnectionString := ConnString;
    _conId.IsolationLevel := ilSerializable;
    _conId.LoginPrompt := False;
    _conId.CursorLocation := clUseClient;
    _conId.Mode := cmShareExclusive ;
    _conId.Open('mirek2', 'mirek2');

    _qrySelectCircle := TADOQuery.Create(nil);
    _qrySelectCircle.SQL.Text := 'SELECT VALUE FROM TAB WHERE NAME = :Name';
    with _qrySelectCircle.Parameters.AddParameter do
        Name := 'Name';
       DataType := ftString;
        Direction := pdInput;
    _qrySelectCircle.Prepared := True;
    _qrySelectCircle.Connection := _conId;


   _qrySelectCircle.Parameters.ParamByName('Name').Value := circle;
   _qrySelectCircle.CursorType := ctKeyset   ;
   _qrySelectCircle.LockType := ltOptimistic;
   _qrySelectCircle.RecordSet := nil;
At this point an exception occurs:

In German:
"Mehrfache Recordsets sind bei einer Transaktion mit diesem Cursortyp nich
t moeglich. Aendern Sie entweder den Cursortyp, fuehren Sie Commit fuer die Transakt
ion aus, oder schliessen Sie eines der Recordsets"

which translates into english
"multiple recordsets are not possible for a transaction with this cursor type. Change either the cursor type or execute commit or close one record set"

What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it. I really need the transactios.

Thanks in advance
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