Registriert seit: 17. Jan 2003
Ort: Köln
460 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Professional
Re: bezeichnungen bei standard-dialogen ändern, aber wie?
19. Sep 2008, 14:13
procedure TForm1.OpenDialog1Show(Sender: TObject);
Dlg: TOpenDialog;
DlgWnd: hWnd;
Dlg := Sender as TOpenDialog;
if ofOldStyleDialog in Dlg.Options
then DlgWnd := Dlg.Handle
else DlgWnd := GetParent(Dlg.Handle);
if GetParent(DlgWnd) <> Application.Handle then exit;
SetDlgItemText(DlgWnd, 1, 'Select'); // hier statt einer 1 für den Öffnen-Button die gewünschte Control-ID wählen, s.u.
Control-ID Control description
chx1 The read-only check box
cmb1 Drop-down combo box that displays the list of file type filters
stc2 Label for the cmb1 combo box
cmb2 Drop-down combo box that displays the current drive or folder, and that allows the user to select a drive or folder to open
stc4 Label for the cmb2 combo box
cmb13 Drop-down combo box that displays the name of the current file, allows the user to type the name of a file to open, and select a file that has been opened or saved recently. This is for earlier Explorer-compatible applications without hook or dialog template. Compare with edt1.
edt1 Edit control that displays the name of the current file, or allows the user to type the name of the file to open. Compare with cmb13.
stc3 Label for the cmb13 combo box and the edt1 edit control
lst1 List box that displays the contents of the current drive or folder
stc1 Label for the lst1 list box
IDOK The OK command button (push button)
IDCANCEL The Cancel command button (push button)
pshHelp The Help command button (push button)
Die Konstanten sind in Dlgs.pas definiert.