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Benutzerbild von Spiderpig_GER_15

Registriert seit: 17. Mär 2008
298 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal

Re: TStringList bringt mich zum VerZweiFeln

  Alt 15. Sep 2008, 22:14
Hier jetzt verbessert:
unit MainCalcPart;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;

  procedure VokCalc;


uses Frame;

procedure VokCalc;
var StrList: TStringList;
    iI, kI, lI, jI: Integer;
  StrList:= TStringList.Create;


  //3 Neue Vokabeln
  for iI := 1 to 3 do
    If (Frame_1.LastVokIndex+1) <= Frame_1.OverAllVok then
      Frame_1.SVoksToDo.Add(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('NR' + inttostr(Frame_1.LastVokIndex))+7]);

  //5 aus Aktueller Lektion
  for iI := 1 to Frame_1.OverAllVok do
    If (strtoint(Frame_1.savestring[(Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('NR'+ inttostr(iI)) + 5)]) = Frame_1.acuteLekt) then
      If Frame_1.SVoksToDo.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]) = (-1) then
        if StrList.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]) = (-1) then
          StrList.Add(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]);
  if StrList.Count >= 5 then
    Frame_1.SVoksToDo.Add(StrList[random((StrList.Count-1) div 5)]);
    Frame_1.SVoksToDo.Add(StrList[random((StrList.Count-1) div 5)+ (1*((StrList.Count) div 5))]);
    Frame_1.SVoksToDo.Add(StrList[random((StrList.Count-1) div 5)+ (2*((StrList.Count) div 5))]);
    Frame_1.SVoksToDo.Add(StrList[random((StrList.Count-1) div 5)+ (3*((StrList.Count) div 5))]);
    Frame_1.SVoksToDo.Add(StrList[random(((StrList.Count-1) div 5) + ((StrList.Count) mod 5)) + (4*((StrList.Count) div 5))]);

  //2 Problemfälle aus akt. Lektion
  for Ii := 1 to Frame_1.OverallVok do
    If (strtoint(Frame_1.savestring[(Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('NR'+ inttostr(iI)) + 5)]) = Frame_1.acuteLekt) then
      If Frame_1.SVoksToDo.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]) = (-1) then
        if Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('Nr' + inttostr(iI)) + 1] = '1then
          if StrList.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]) = (-1) then
            if ((strtofloat(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI)) + 2])) /
                 (strtofloat(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI)) + 3]))) <
                   Frame_1.FailRatio then
              StrList.Add(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]);
  if StrList.Count >= 2 then
    until kI <> iI;

  //3 Problemfälle aus letzten beiden Lektionen
  for iI := 1 to Frame_1.OverAllVok do
    If ((strtoint(Frame_1.savestring[(Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('NR'+ inttostr(iI)) + 5)])) >= Frame_1.acuteLekt -2) and
            ((strtoint(Frame_1.savestring[(Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('NR'+ inttostr(iI)) + 5)])) < Frame_1.acuteLekt) then
      If Frame_1.SVoksToDo.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]) = (-1) then
        if Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('Nr' + inttostr(iI)) + 1] = '1then
          if StrList.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]) = (-1) then
            if ((strtofloat(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI)) + 2])) /
                 (strtofloat(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI)) + 3]))) <
                   (Frame_1.FailRatio - 0.2) then
              StrList.Add(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]);
  if StrList.Count >= 3 then
    until kI <> iI;
    until (lI <> iI) and (lI <> kI);

  //2 Zufall

  for iI := 1 to Frame_1.OverAllVok do
    If ((strtoint(Frame_1.savestring[(Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('NR'+ inttostr(iI)) + 5)])) < Frame_1.acuteLekt) then
      If Frame_1.SVoksToDo.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]) = (-1) then
        if Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('Nr' + inttostr(iI)) + 1] = '1then
          if StrList.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]) = (-1) then
            StrList.Add(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]);
  if StrList.Count >= 2 then
    until kI <> iI;

  // Auffüllen etwaiger Lücken
  if Frame_1.SVoksToDo.Count < 15 then
    // 2 Zufall
    for iI := 1 to Frame_1.OverAllVok do
      If ((strtoint(Frame_1.savestring[(Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('NR'+ inttostr(iI)) + 5)])) < Frame_1.acuteLekt) then
        If Frame_1.SVoksToDo.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]) = (-1) then
          if Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('Nr' + inttostr(iI)) + 1] = '1then
            if StrList.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]) = (-1) then
              StrList.Add(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]);
    if StrList.Count > 0 then
      if Frame_1.SVoksToDO.Count = 1 then
        until kI <> iI;
    if (iI >= 1) and (Frame_1.LastVokIndex <= Frame_1.OverAllVok) then
    showmessage('wird ausgeführt');
      for jI := 1 to iI do
        If not (Frame_1.LastVokIndex > Frame_1.OverAllVok) then
          If Frame_1.SVoksToDo.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(Frame_1.LastVokIndex))+7]) = (-1) then
            Frame_1.SVoksToDo.Add(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('NR' + inttostr(Frame_1.LastVokIndex))+7]);

    if (iI >= 1) and (Frame_1.LastVokIndex > Frame_1.OverAllVok) then
      for iI := 1 to Frame_1.OverAllVok do
        If Frame_1.SVoksToDo.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]) = (-1) then
          if Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.IndexOf('Nr' + inttostr(iI)) + 1] = '1then
            if StrList.IndexOf(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]) = (-1) then
              StrList.Add(Frame_1.savestring[Frame_1.savestring.indexOf('NR' + inttostr(iI))+7]);
      for kI:=1 to (15 - Frame_1.SVoksToDo.count) do
        // lI:= random(StrList.Count)+1;
        Frame_1.SVoksToDo.Add('geh doch, mannooo'); //mache ich es weg geht's, andernfalls der Error!
        //StrList.Delete(lI - 1);
Ist die makierte Zeile weg geht es, andernfalls nicht...
immer noch nicht
---Zufall ist das Inkognito Gottes---
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat