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Ort: Radbruch
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Delphi 7 Professional

Re: VirtualMachine für AeroGlass nicht geeignet?

  Alt 14. Sep 2008, 22:08
Schade, schade, schade

der von Daniel gepostete Link machte schon Hoffnung. Aber leider ...
To get it, you must meet the following criteria:

Guest & host OS must be running Vista Enterprise or Ultimate
Guest & host OS must have the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) Session Manager service running
Tja, und da hakt es nun: Der Host läuft unter XP Professional und das soll auch so bleiben.

Auch im zweiten Link wird letztlich der gleiche Weg beschrieben:
...only difference is that the host machine is processing the graphics instead of the virtual machine so you can enable Aero on Vista!

I wish there was some other way to enable Aero in a virtual PC, but this is the only way that I have seen. You’re probably wondering why it would even matter whether Aero was running if I just wanted to quickly test out software? There is a lot of new software being developed that takes advantage of Aero’s capabilities, and if I want to test what it really has to offer, I need to have Aero running.

Eventually a better solution may emerge, but until then I think this is the only workaround that’s available.
Also abwarten, oder vielleicht doch mal ein zweites Notebook anschaffen 8)

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