Auch wenns schon älter ist - offene Frage ist offene Frage. Ich hab dazu in dem Artikel
hier folgende Abfolge gefunden, wobei gesagt wird, dass es in Newsgroups dokumentiert sei (bei Gelegenheit mal bei google groups in den alten borland.* Gruppen suchen?)...
When Delphi performs a compilation from the command-line using dcc32.exe it gets more complicated.
- The compiler options are first set to default values (you can see what these are by typing dcc32 with no arguments).
- Then these settings are overridden by any settings in the file dcc32.cfg in the Delphi executable folder, if the file exists. Then these settings are overridden by any settings in the file dcc32.cfg in your project folder, if that file exists.
- Then these settings are overridden by the settings in <Project Name>.cfg in your project folder, if that file exists (which it will if you have used the IDE to compile your project).
- Then the settings are overridden by any command-line switches.
- Finally, the compiler options can then be modified by directives within your source.
"Tja ja, das Ausrufezeichen... Der virtuelle Spoiler des 21. Jahrhunderts, der Breitreifen für die Datenautobahn, die k3wle Sonnenbrille fürs Usenet.

" (Henning Richter)