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Benutzerbild von Matze

Registriert seit: 7. Jul 2003
Ort: Schwabenländle
14.929 Beiträge
Turbo Delphi für Win32

Re: [PHP] BBCode regulärer ausdruck

  Alt 25. Aug 2008, 09:13

in solchen Fällen schaue ich immer gerne bei PEAR vorbei: HTML_BBCodeParser.

This is a parser to replace UBB style tags with their html equivalents.
It does not simply do some regex calls, but is complete stack based parse engine. This ensures that all tags are properly nested, if not, extra tags are added to maintain the nesting. This parser should only produce xhtml 1.0 compliant code. All tags are validated and so are all their attributes. It should be easy to extend this parser with your own tags.
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