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Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2002
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Delphi XE Professional

Re: embeddedWB besuchte Seiten sind im IE Verlauf sichtbar

  Alt 14. Aug 2008, 17:38
Hallo shmia, navNoHistory or navNoWriteToCache wird trotzdem einen Eintrag in der History machen.

Zitat von tech.groups.yahoo.com:
We finally got answer from Microsoft about the old NavNoHistory and
here it is

"The answer from MS Support:
The navNoHistory flag (2) doesn't add the URL to the Session History
(which is what Back/Forward are based on. If you right click on the
web page in the WebBrowser control after you navigated to the
webpage with the "navNoHistory" set, you won't see that the Back
option is enabled anymore.), but it does add it to the Global
History. This is the way the flag works.

All instances of IE and the WebBrowser control share a global
history. There may be plans to be separate this out in future
versions, but we are not sure when."

As far as I heard, they are working on it for ver 7.

Very ugly Solution:
We can delete the "history specific enter"(URL) manualy from the
global history (Using the embeddedwb pack' components) after the
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