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Registriert seit: 25. Okt 2006 4 Beiträge |
Hallo, Ich soll von einem anderen Azubi das Programm "Sudoku" weiter entwickeln.
nun bin ich ratlos, bei den sachen, die ich machen muss. Wenn ich auf ein label(in der hauptform) klicke, muss überprüft werden, wo befinde ich mich (in welcher spalte und zeile) wie könnte ich das rausbekommen ? hier mein code: MfG Mike
unit Unit1;
interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type tmylabel = class (TLabel) procedure WMPaint(var Message : TMessage); message wm_Paint; end; TForm1 = class(TForm) Timer1: TTimer; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); private { Private-Deklarationen } lastclickedlabel: TMyLabel; public procedure Labelclick(Sender: TObject); procedure MouseM(Sender : TObject; Shift : TShiftState; x, y : Integer); procedure KleinLabelMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button : TMouseButton; Shift : TShiftstate; x,y : Integer); procedure PanelMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button : TMouseButton; Shift : TShiftstate; x,y : Integer); { Public-Deklarationen } end; var Form1: TForm1; Zahl,reihe1, reihe2,reihe3,reihe4,reihe5,reihe6,reihe7,reihe8,reihe9 : integer; implementation uses Unit2; {$R *.DFM} // Sudoku-Knacker.de FeldID: 29471 procedure TForm1.Labelclick(Sender: TObject); var ZahlenPanel: TPanel; j, i, pg: integer; p : TPanel; l : TMyLabel; begin Showmessage(IntToStr(TMyLabel(sender).Tag)); with TLabel(Sender) do begin if assigned (focuscontrol) then focuscontrol.visible := true else begin p := TPanel.Create(Application); FocusControl := p; with p do begin parent := self; height := TLabel(Sender).height; width := TLabel(Sender).width; left := TLabel(Sender).left; top := Tlabel(Sender).top; OnMouseDown := PanelMouseDown; end; pg := Round(p.height -2); for j := 1 to 3 do begin for i := 1 to 3 do begin l := TMyLabel.Create(self); with l do begin Focuscontrol:= Pointer(Sender); parent := p; autosize := false; height := Round(p.height / 3); width := height; left := (j-1) * width ; top := (i-1) * height; caption := IntToStr((i - 1) * 3 + j); Alignment:= tacenter; Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; OnMouseDown := kleinLabelMouseDown; end; end; end; end; end; Repaint; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var s, i, // Zeilenzähler j, k, // Spaltenzähler lg, // Labelgröße bg :Integer; // Boxgröße l : array [1..9 ,1..9 ] of TMyLabel; lb : TLabel; begin lastclickedLabel:= nil; Zahl := 0; k := 0; ClientHeight := round(screen.height*0.8); ClientWidth := ClientHeight; lg := Round((ClientHeight-20)/9); ClientHeight := 9*lg+20; ClientWidth := ClientHeight; for i:=1 to 9 do begin for j:= 1 to 9 do begin l[i,j] :=TMyLabel.Create(Application) ; with l[i,j] do begin k := k+1; OnMouseMove := MouseM; Top := ((i-1)* lg)+13; Parent:= self; AutoSize := false; Font.Size := 12; Left := 10 + lg * (j-1) ; Height:= lg; Width:=lg; tag := k; canvas.font.Style := [fsbold]; canvas.font.Size := 15; //Caption:= IntToStr(i)+','+(IntToStr(j)); Alignment := tacenter; onclick := labelclick; Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; end; end; end; l[i,j] := TMyLabel.Create(nil); l[i,j].parent := self; //Beschriftungen; l[1,1].Caption := '6'; l[1,2].Caption := '5'; l[1,4].Caption := '1'; l[1,5].Caption := '3'; l[1,7].caption := '8'; l[1,8].caption := '7'; l[1,9].caption := '2'; l[2,2].caption := '8'; l[2,3].caption := '7'; l[2,4].caption := '6'; l[2,6].caption := '4'; l[2,7].caption := '1'; l[3,1].caption := '1'; l[3,3].caption := '9'; l[3,5].caption := '8'; l[3,8].caption := '5'; l[3,9].caption := '4'; l[4,2].caption := '4'; l[4,3].caption := '6'; l[4,4].caption := '5'; l[4,6].caption := '2'; l[4,9].caption := '8'; l[5,1].caption := '9'; l[5,3].caption := '6'; l[5,4].caption := '8'; l[5,5].caption := '7'; l[5,7].caption := '4'; l[5,8].caption := '2'; l[5,9].caption := '6'; l[6,2].caption := '2'; l[6,6].caption := '6'; l[6,7].caption := '7'; l[6,8].caption := '9'; l[7,2].caption := '7'; l[7,7].caption := '2'; l[7,8].caption := '6'; l[8,1].caption := '4'; l[8,2].caption := '9'; l[8,3].caption := '2'; l[8,4].caption := '6'; l[8,5].caption := '3'; l[8,7].caption := '5'; l[8,8].caption := '8'; l[9,2].caption := '6'; l[9,4].caption := '7'; l[9,5].caption := '2'; l[9,6].caption := '5'; l[9,7].caption := '9'; l[9,8].caption := '4'; l[9,9].caption := '3'; //Ende Beschriftungen end; procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; bg :Integer; // boxgröße begin inherited; bg := Round((ClientHeight-20)/9)*3; for i := 1 to 2 do begin Canvas.MoveTo(10, bg*i+10); Canvas.LineTo(Clientwidth-10, bg*i+10); Canvas.MoveTo(bg*i+10, 10); Canvas.LineTo(bg*i+10, Clientheight-10); end; end; { tmylabel } procedure tmylabel.WMPaint(var Message: TMessage); begin Canvas.TextOut((width shr 1) - (Canvas.TextWidth(Caption) shr 1), (height shr 1) - (Canvas.TextHeight(Caption) shr 1), caption); TForm(GetParentForm(self)).OnPaint(self); end; procedure TForm1.MouseM(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; x, y: Integer); begin //Canvas.DrawFocusRect(TLabel(Sender).BoundsRect); end; procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin timer1.enabled := false; If Zahl = 1 then begin lastclickedlabel.Visible := not lastclickedlabel.visible; end else if Zahl > 1 then begin with lastclickedlabel do begin TLabel(Focuscontrol).Caption := Caption; TLabel(Focuscontrol).focuscontrol.visible := false; Zahl := 0; end; end; Zahl := 0; lastclickedlabel := nil; end; procedure TForm1.KleinLabelMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftstate; x, y: Integer); var i,j,caption : Integer; begin // for j := 1 to 9 do // begin // for i := 1 to 9 do // caption := (i-1) * 9; // end; // end; If TMyLabel(Sender) = lastclickedlabel then begin inc(zahl); end else begin zahl := 1; Lastclickedlabel := TMyLabel(Sender); end; If not Timer1.Enabled then timer1.enabled := true; end; procedure TForm1.PanelMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftstate; x, y: Integer); var Control : TControl; i: integer; begin for i := 0 to TPanel(Sender).ControlCount-1 do begin with TPanel(Sender).Controls[i] do begin If ((x < left) or (x > Left+Width)) or ((y < top) or (y > Top+Height)) then else visible := true; end; end; end; end.
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