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JEDI Windows API Library

Ein Thema von TheMatrix · begonnen am 24. Aug 2003 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Aug 2003
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Registriert seit: 24. Aug 2003
21 Beiträge

JEDI Windows API Library

  Alt 24. Aug 2003, 21:08
Habe eine vollständige API Implementierung für Delphi 5.0 - 7.0 gefunden. (JEDI Windows API Library)

Die Datei entpacken und das verzeichnis als library path eintragen.

These units are distributed under the terms of of the MPL, or optionally the terms of the LGPL. What this means is that they are completely free and can be used in all development, even commercial applications. I have a few requests though:
Please redistribute only using the MPL/LGPL dual license eventhough you are legally allowed to redistribute using only MPL or LGPL.
Please read, or have your legal department read, through the text of the MPL and/or LGPL to make sure you understand your rights and obligations.
If neither the MPL and LGPL fit your needs you I can grant you a different license. Contact me for more information. Depending on the details, this will cost you something though (dunno what exactly yet, perhaps a monetary donation or a free copy of your product, we'll see).
Please be aware that the WinLDAP unit was created by Luk Vermeulen and can only be used and distributed under the MPL license. It's included because of dependencies on this unit. I may convert the header myself one day.
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Registriert seit: 21. Jul 2002
Ort: Bonn
5.403 Beiträge
Turbo Delphi für Win32

Re: JEDI Windows API Library

  Alt 24. Aug 2003, 21:15
Praktisch wäre da folgender Link:

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Benutzerbild von toms

Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2002
4.648 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

Re: JEDI Windows API Library

  Alt 24. Aug 2003, 21:19
Aktuellere Dateien gibt's hier.
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