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Ambiguous field names in firebird system tables

Ein Thema von agresso · begonnen am 11. Okt 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 12. Okt 2006

Registriert seit: 6. Sep 2006
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Ambiguous field names in firebird system tables

  Alt 11. Okt 2006, 11:08
Datenbank: Firebird • Version: 1.5 • Zugriff über: Turbo Delphi for .NET with BDP-Components
When I try to access any table in my Firebird database with a simple Select statement, I got the error message "Amgiguous field names in RDB$Relations, ...". These are system tables of Firebird. I try to use the BDP components to access my DB. Any help would be appreciated.
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