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Registriert seit: 1. Jun 2008
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HID Komponente : USB_SEND_REQUEST, How-to ?

  Alt 3. Jun 2008, 01:37
Ich nicht spache deutch (fransoziche) , Is english OK ? Thank you.

I came on your forum because a lot of people here seem to know well about HID.

- I am using HID Components (from Robert Marquadt)
- I am running under Windows VISTA, Delphi RAD Studio 2007
- My usb device is a Belkin Nostromo speedpad N50 (HID compliant)
- I am trying too lit up the output leds of this device under VISTA (I have succeeded using USBIO driver, wich is not free )
- Under Windows XP, the software provided with the device produces this (this software does not work with VISTA) :

000010: Control Transfer (UP), 29.05.2008 08:22:38.968 +0.0. Status:
Pipe Handle: 0x89916480
01 00 00 00 ....
Setup Packet
21 09 00 02 00 00 04 00 !.......
Recipient: Interface
Request Type: Class
Direction: Host->Device
Request: 0x9 (Unknown)
Value: 0x200
Index: 0x0
Length: 0x4

And I am deseperatly trying to write this USB specific request having :
bmRequestType:=$21; (This is a Host-to-device, Class interface request)
bmRequestType:=$09; (Wich corresponds to a SET_REPORT)

In fact, I am trying to reproduce under Windows VISTA, the OUT control message I obtain in Windows XP.

Should I use TJVHIDDevice.DeviceIOControl(), WriteFile(), SetOutPutReport() ?
And How ?

Any help and piece of code will be appreciated. Thank you very much.

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