Ich setze immer
PCHelpWare basierend auf UltraVNC ein. Eine tolle Software!
- integrierte Verschlüsselung
- Dateitransfer
- Übertragung der Zwischenablage
- Skalierbarer Viewer
- internationale Tastaturunterstützung
- zusätzlicher Passwortschutz
PCHelpWare is customizable : you can create your own server
package with your logo and -company- name
The individual you want to remotely assist only has to download and execute your customized
package. That's all
No router/modem/firewall configuration is needed to
access a remote PC even when it's standing on a protected network behind a NAT
If your PC is also behind Firewall/NAT routers, PCHelpware has the solution that makes everything simple anyway
Using the provided Repeater service, no router configuration is needed at all
PCHelpWare Erfahrungen von Sebastian Bauer
Anleitung (deutsch)
Forum um u. a. auch PCHelpWare
Tutorial wie man den Server an seine Beduerfnisse anpassen kann