seit der neuen CORETEMP 0.99-Version gibt es Shared Memory.
CORETEMP gibt es hier:
Den DELPHI-Sourcecode gibt es hier:
Für SAMURIZE - Fans:
A plugin for AMD and INTEL CPUs shows CORE temperatures and more...
since the CORETEMP-Program has the SHARED MEMORY FEATURE,
it's now easy to get all the values of CORETEMP.
SAMURIZE needs the coretemp.dll-plugin in the plugin-folder
AND the CORETEMP.exe running.
Download the plugin here:
and CORETEMP there:
Have fun!
Tiu Hathor
Exported functions:
exports Init name 'init';
exports getparam name 'getparam';
exports core0 name 'core0';
exports core1 name 'core1';
exports core2 name 'core2';
exports core3 name 'core3';
exports ucore0 name 'ucore0';
exports ucore1 name 'ucore1';
exports ucore2 name 'ucore2';
exports ucore3 name 'ucore3';
exports CPUname name 'CPUname';
exports CPUspeed name 'CPUspeed';
exports GetCPUspeed name 'GetCPUspeed';
exports CPUmaxspeed name 'CPUmaxspeed';
exports TjMax name 'TjMax';
exports CpuCoreCount name 'CpuCoreCount';
exports CpuCount name 'CpuCount';
exports CpuVID name 'CpuVID';
exports CpuFSBSpeed name 'CpuFSBSpeed';
exports CpuMultiplier name 'CpuMultiplier';
exports Fahrenheit name 'Fahrenheit';
exports DeltaToTjMax name 'DeltaToTjMax';
exports hathor name 'hathor';
exports getinfo name 'getinfo';
exports dlltype name 'dlltype';