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TOpenDialog/TSaveDialog patch for Delphi 5 - Minor

Ein Thema von rd5pro · begonnen am 26. Sep 2006
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TOpenDialog/TSaveDialog patch for Delphi 5 - Minor

  Alt 26. Sep 2006, 20:45
Beim Schmökern gefunden (es geht um die PlacesBar am linken Rand der Öffnen-/Speichern-Dialoge). Der Patch lässt sich vermutlich nur durchführen, wenn man D5 Professional hat.

TOpenDialog/TSaveDialog patch for Delphi 5 - Minor
Delphi 5 doesn't support "Vertical buttons row on the left" style in browse dialogs.
Patch is the following.

1. Open commdlg.pas, search for 2 definitions:
tagOFNA = packed record
tagOFNW = packed record

At the end of both records, after:
lpTemplateName: PXXXChar;

add fields:
pvReserved: Pointer;
dwReserved: DWORD;
FlagsEx: DWORD;

2. Open Dialogs.pas, search for TOpenDialog.DoExecute.
lStructSize := SizeOf(TOpenFilename);


if (Win32MajorVersion >= 5) and (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) or { Win2k }
((Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) and (Win32MajorVersion >= 4) and (Win32MinorVersion >= 90)) then { WinME }
lStructSize := SizeOf(TOpenFilename)
lStructSize := SizeOf(TOpenFilename) - (SizeOf(DWORD) shl 1) - SizeOf(Pointer); { subtract size of added fields }

3. Recompile commdlg.pas and Dialogs.pas and update their *.DCU in Delphi Lib folder.
Patch by Alexey Torgashin.

Habe den Patch mit D5pro durchgeführt, klappte prima. Meine anschließend neu kompilierten Projekte liefen einfavh durch.

Für D5 (nicht pro) empfehle ich die Komponente AgOpenDialog von:
Author: Deepak Shenoy
Copyright (C) 2000 Agni Software Pvt. Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.

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