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Lyric Show

Ein Thema von sailxia · begonnen am 25. Sep 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 27. Sep 2006
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Registriert seit: 9. Apr 2006
21 Beiträge

Lyric Show

  Alt 25. Sep 2006, 13:12
hi, all:
i has write a demo to show lyric with bass.dll(Ver.2.3), but i feel it spend more CPU times...and i without any idea to change it, maybe, put it into a thread to draw_lyric will spend less CPU times.

the demo write by Turbo Delphi 2006.

i hope somebody have a good idea to show and draw lyric.


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Benutzerbild von igel457

Registriert seit: 31. Aug 2005
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FreePascal / Lazarus

Re: Lyric Show

  Alt 25. Sep 2006, 13:43

I don't understand your problem. Why does your program need too much CPU? I only have 2% CPU Auslastung.
But if you want to improove your program draw everything on a backbuffer bitmap and just move this.

PS.: Do you have the rights to publish this music in the internet?
"Sollen sich auch alle schämen, die gedankenlos sich der Wunder der Wissenschaft und Technik bedienen, und nicht mehr davon geistig erfasst haben als die Kuh von der Botanik der Pflanzen, die sie mit Wohlbehagen frisst." - Albert Einstein
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Registriert seit: 9. Apr 2006
21 Beiträge

Re: Lyric Show

  Alt 26. Sep 2006, 12:11
i think use a thread to Draw-Lyric will faster and spend less CPU...
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Registriert seit: 9. Mai 2005
Ort: Nordbaden
925 Beiträge

Re: Lyric Show

  Alt 26. Sep 2006, 14:01
Zitat von sailxia:
i think use a thread to Draw-Lyric will faster and spend less CPU...
Sorry, but thats IMHO wrong. A thread consumes even a bit more CPU-Time due to the overhead. The advantage of a thread is, that you can do sth. else in your programm virtually at the same time. So a thread can be useful if you have probems with the drawing while moving the window for example. But a separate thread does not mean hinger a performance in general.

So think about igel457's suggestion. DoubeBuffered could be good word for feeding google with...

BTW: I haven't looked at your code. Too lazy. It's also because I haven't worked with bass.dll yet... if you know the specific piece of code, where the problem occurs, just post it here...

Kaum macht man's richtig, schon klappts!
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Registriert seit: 9. Apr 2006
21 Beiträge

Re: Lyric Show

  Alt 27. Sep 2006, 12:54
Thanks igel457 and r2C2's tips.
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