Registriert seit: 30. Mai 2002 Ort: Hamburg 13.920 Beiträge Delphi 10.4 Sydney |
Borland hat ein sog. "Hotfix Rollup" veröffentlicht, welches vier der bisher erschienen Hotfixes enthält sowie drei bisher unveröffentlichte Hotfixes. Die Hotfixes lassen sich sowohl auf das BDS2006 als auch auf alle Turbo-Editionen (!) anwenden.
Download ![]() ![]() Die Kurzfassung der Änderungen: Hotfix 2 korrigiert die Datei "poppack.h" Hotfix 3 korrigiert etwaige Startprobleme des BDS2006 Hotfix 4 korrigiert die Behandlung internationaler Zeichensätze im HTML-Editor Hotfix 5 erhöht deutlich die Performanz des Formular-Designers Hotfix 6 korrigiert die Behandlung internationaler Zeichensätze im Refactoring von C++ Hotfix 7 korrigiert die Behandlung virtueller Klassenmethoden in C++ Hotfix 8 korrigiert eine Schutzverletzung, die im Code-Editor bei speziellen Ausdrücken vorkommen konnte Hotfix 9 korriert ein Speicherloch, welches im Editor der IDE vorhanden war Anbei die Readme-Datei, welche nähere Auskunft über die jeweiligen Änderungen gibt: ================================================== ============================= BDS2006 Update 2, Hotfix 1 This Hotfix applies to: Product: Borland Developer Studio Version: 2006 Update level: Update 2 Editions: Professional, Enterprise, Architect, Turbo Languages: English, German, French, Japanese Description of updates that are included in this hotfix: This hotfix contains a fix for poppack.h. An invalid '#pragma option' was added to poppack.h which was causing alignment errors when building Windows applications. This affected the Update 2 release of the C++ RTL only. Quality Central Tracking Number(s): 27917 Internal Tracking Number(s): 239804 ================================================== ============================= BDS2006 Update 2 Hotfix 3 This Hotfix applies to: Product: Borland Developer Studio Version: 2006 Update level: Update 2 Editions: Professional, Enterprise, Architect, Turbo Languages: English, German, French, Japanese Description of updates that are included in this hotfix: This hotfix contains a fix for customers who were unable to run the BDS2006 IDE after installing Update 2. For those customers, the IDE would start to load, and as soon as the splash screen was shown, it would disappear and the IDE would not run. Quality Central Tracking Number(s): 27973 Internal Tracking Number(s): 239820 ================================================== ============================= BDS2006 Update 2 Hotfix 4 This Hotfix applies to: Product: Borland Developer Studio Version: 2006 Update level: Update 2 Editions: Professional, Enterprise, Architect, Turbo Languages: English, German, French, Japanese Description of updates that are included in this hotfix: This hotfix contains a fix for HTML Editor for international characters. In DBCS environment, such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean, international character in the HTML editor may become corrupted or lost. Quality Central Tracking Number(s): 27550 Internal Tracking Number(s): 239783 ================================================== ============================= BDS2006 Update 2 Hotfix 5 This Hotfix applies to: Product: Borland Developer Studio Version: 2006 Update level: Update 2 Editions: Professional, Enterprise, Architect, Turbo Languages: English, German, French, Japanese Description of updates that are included in this hotfix: This hotfix addresses the performance issue described in QC 22372. When the product is configured with a large number of component packages, there is a significant delay when switching to the form designer view. Quality Central Tracking Number(s): 22372 Internal Tracking Number(s): 238221 ================================================== ============================= BDS2006 Update 2 Hotfix 6 This Hotfix applies to: Product: Borland Developer Studio Version: 2006 Update level: Update 2 Editions: Professional, Enterprise, Architect, Turbo Languages: English, German, French, Japanese Description of updates that are included in this hotfix: Accented characters or far east characters in source code cause errors in C++ rename refactoring. Quality Central Tracking Number(s): - none - Internal Tracking Number(s): 239988 ================================================== ============================= BDS2006 Update 2 Hotfix 7 This Hotfix applies to: Product: Borland Developer Studio Version: 2006 Update level: Update 2 Editions: Professional, Enterprise, Architect, Turbo Languages: English, German, French, Japanese Description of updates that are included in this hotfix: This hotfix contains a fix for C++ projects that include Delphi units with 'class virtual' methods. In Update 2 the generated HPP file may not compile, specially if the methods are used as a property setter or getter. Quality Central Tracking Number(s): 27957 Internal Tracking Number(s): 239873 This hotfix contains a fix for Delphi for .NET assemblies that are strong named. In Delphi 2006, Delphi package assemblies use the wrong public key for a required Delphi package assembly causing mismatch errors at runtime. With Hotfix 7, the Delphi relocatible .dcu* and .dcp* formats remain compatible with the original shipping version of Delphi 2006. Consequently, the version number of the compiler is not changing. Specifically, the value of the CompilerVersion constant will remain 18.0000 and the old-style conditional define VER180 will remain available unchanged. The corrected Delphi compiler files will have an August 2006 date stamp. Quality Central Tracking Number(s): 9477, 10189, 12922, 12973, 23646 Internal Tracking Numbers(s): 220204, 222963, 240379 ================================================== ============================= BDS2006 Update 2 Hotfix 8 This Hotfix applies to: Product: Borland Developer Studio Version: 2006 Update level: Update 2 Editions: Professional, Enterprise, Architect, Turbo Languages: English, German, French, Japanese Description of updates that are included in this hotfix: This hotfix addresses the evaluator issue described in QC 29214. When trying to evaluate a dataset.fieldbyname('fieldname').as... expression, an access violation is returned rather than the expected value. Quality Central Tracking Number(s): 29214 Internal Tracking Number(s): 240161 ================================================== ============================= BDS2006 Update 2 Hotfix 9 This Hotfix applies to: Product: Borland Developer Studio Version: 2006 Update level: Update 2 Editions: Professional, Enterprise, Architect, Turbo Languages: English, German, French, Japanese Description of updates that are included in this hotfix: This hotfix addresses the memory issue described in QC 22481. Memory use climbs steadily when switching between editor tabs. Quality Central Tracking Number(s): 22481 Internal Tracking Number(s): 237987 Copyright 2006, Borland Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
Daniel R. Wolf
mit Grüßen aus Hamburg |
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