Registriert seit: 6. Mai 2008
6 Beiträge
Re: VirtualTreeView - Bei Klick nichts selektieren
6. Mai 2008, 07:33
Hallo, rufe GetHitTestInfoAt auf und werte THitInfo.HintPositions aus.
// These flags are returned by the hit test method.
THitPosition = (
hiAbove, // above the client area (if relative) or the absolute tree area
hiBelow, // below the client area (if relative) or the absolute tree area
hiNowhere, // no node is involved (possible only if the tree is not as tall as the client area)
hiOnItem, // on the bitmaps/buttons or label associated with an item
hiOnItemButton, // on the button associated with an item
hiOnItemCheckbox, // on the checkbox if enabled
hiOnItemIndent, // in the indentation area in front of a node
hiOnItemLabel, // on the normal text area associated with an item
hiOnItemLeft, // in the area to the left of a node's text area (e.g. when right aligned or centered)
hiOnItemRight, // in the area to the right of a node's text area (e.g. if left aligned or centered)
hiOnNormalIcon, // on the "normal" image
hiOnStateIcon, // on the state image
hiToLeft, // to the left of the client area (if relative) or the absolute tree area
hiToRight // to the right of the client area (if relative) or the absolute tree area
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