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Problem beim Email über Indy senden.

  Alt 27. Apr 2008, 14:09
Ich habe mir ein Demoprogramm runtergeladen, aber das funktioniert nicht... Es kommt immer die Fehlermeldung:_

Im Projekt Sendmail.exe ist eine Exception der Klasse EIdProtocolReplyError aufgetreten. Meldung: 5.3.2 Sorry, during probation period you are not allowed to use SMTP service {mp013}
',Prozess wurde angehalten. Mit Einzelne Anweisung oder Start fortsetzen.
Hier der Quelltext:
unit f_Main;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, StdCtrls;

  TfrmMain = class(TForm)
    cmdSendMail: TButton;
    memBody: TMemo;
    procedure cmdSendMailClick(Sender: TObject);
    { Private-Deklarationen }
    { Public-Deklarationen }

  frmMain: TfrmMain;


uses JFSendMail;

{$R *.dfm}

procedure TfrmMain.cmdSendMailClick(Sender: TObject);
Var tmpMail : TJFSendMail;
  tmpMail := TJFSendMail.Create;
    // set to your smtp server, in this example gmx is used
    tmpMail.Host := 'mail.gmx.net';
    // is already set by default
    tmpMail.Port := 25;
    // set your username for the smtp server
    tmpMail.Username := '47237936';
    // set your password for the smtp server
    tmpMail.Password := 'XXXXXXXXXX';
    // set sender email adress
    tmpMail.Sender := 'nicknames@gmx.de';

    // set email of receiver
    tmpMail.Receiver := 'aramus92@gmx.de'; // please don't spam me, questions are allowed

    // set the mail subject
    tmpMail.Subject := 'TEST';

    // set the mail body
    // also u can use
    // tmpmail.Body.add('First Line');
    // tmpmail.Body.add('Second Line');
    // ...

    // if u wanna attach some file to the mail use this :
    // send to ltlogin or to ltNone, depends on your email provider
    tmpMail.LoginType := ltLogin;
    // don't need to be set, just for example
    tmpMail.MailAgent := 'MS Outlook *LOL*';

    // is pNormal by default, so don't need to be set
    tmpMail.Priority := pNormal;

    // is false by default, so don't need too be set
    tmpMail.ReturnReciept := false;
    // do the real send now
    if tmpMail.Send then
      ShowMessage('Mail successfull send!')
      ShowMessage('Mail send failed');

Was hab ich da falsch gemacht???
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