Registriert seit: 9. Jul 2004
Ort: Aken (Anhalt-Bitterfeld)
1.335 Beiträge
Delphi XE5 Professional
Re: Kostenlose, kommerziell nutzbare Grafikbibliothek gesuch
20. Apr 2008, 13:55
Denke ich auch und weiter
When using FreeImage in your open source or commercial application, you are REQUIRED to :
- distribute the license (GNU GPL or FIPL) you choosed with your application (i.e. the TXT file)
- provide a suitable acknowledgement, either in the program's "About" box or in the user's manual (or both), for example :
This software uses the FreeImage open source image library. See for details.
FreeImage is used under the (GNU GPL or FIPL), version (license version).
Gibt einige kommerzielle Projekte, welche FreeImage nutzen:
Gruss Garfield
Ubuntu 22.04: Laz2.2.2/FPC3.2.2 - VirtBox6.1+W10: D7PE, DXE5Prof