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Re: Drag&Drop von Dateien auf TrayIcon

  Alt 9. Apr 2008, 17:55
Hui, das war vielleicht ein Akt. Und so alles verstanden hab ich auch noch nicht, manches konnte man ja auch simpel übernehmen...

function FileDroppedAtIcon(const a_hWndOwner: HWND; const a_iButtonID: integer; const PPoint: TPoint): boolean;
  hWndTray, hWndOfIconOwner: HWND;
  dwTrayProcessID, dwBytesRead: DWORD;
  hTrayProc: THandle;
  iButtonsCount, iButton, iIconId: integer;
  lpData: Pointer;
  buttonData: TTBBUTTON;
  bIconFound: BOOL;
  dwExtraData: array[0..1] of DWORD;
  rcPosition: TRect;
  hWndTray:=FindTrayHWND; {FindTrayHWND s.o.}

  //now we have to get an ID of the parent process for system tray
  GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWndTray, dwTrayProcessID);

  //here we get a handle to tray application process
  hTrayProc:=OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, dwTrayProcessID);

  //now we check how many buttons is there - should be more than 0
  iButtonsCount:=SendMessage(hWndTray, TB_BUTTONCOUNT, 0, 0);

  //We want to get data from another process - it's not possible
  //to just send messages like TB_GETBUTTON with a locally
  //allocated buffer for return data. Pointer to locally allocated
  //data has no usefull meaning in a context of another
  //process (since Win95) - so we need
  //to allocate some memory inside Tray process.
  //We allocate sizeof(TBBUTTON) bytes of memory -
  //because TBBUTTON is the biggest structure we will fetch.
  //But this buffer will be also used to get smaller
  //pieces of data like RECT structures.
  lpData:=VirtualAllocEx(hTrayProc, nil, SizeOf(TTBBUTTON), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);


  for iButton := 0 to iButtonsCount - 1 do
      //first let's read TBUTTON information
      //about each button in a task bar of tray
      SendMessage(hWndTray, TB_GETBUTTON, iButton, LPARAM(lpData));

      //we filled lpData with details of iButton icon of toolbar
      //- now let's copy this data from tray application
      //back to our process
      ReadProcessMemory(hTrayProc, lpData, @buttonData, SizeOf(TTBBUTTON), dwBytesRead);

      //let's read extra data of each button:
      //there will be a HWND of the window that
      //created an icon and icon ID
      dwExtraData[0] := 0;
      dwExtraData[1] := 0;

      ReadProcessMemory(hTrayProc, Pointer(buttonData.dwData), @dwExtraData, SizeOf(dwExtraData), dwBytesRead);


      if (hWndOfIconOwner <> a_hWndOwner) or (iIconId <> a_iButtonID) then
          Continue; {sollte man hier nicht lieber den nachfolgenden Code
                      reinschreiben, anstatt eine if Abfrage später auf
                      Break zu prüfen?}


      //we found our icon - in WinXP it could be hidden - let's check it:
      if (buttonData.fsState and TBSTATE_HIDDEN) > 0 then

      //now just ask a tool bar of rectangle of our icon
      SendMessage(hWndTray, TB_GETITEMRECT, iButton, LPARAM(lpData));
      ReadProcessMemory(hTrayProc, lpData, @rcPosition, SizeOf(TRECT), dwBytesRead);

      MapWindowPoints(hWndTray, 0, rcPosition, 2);

      if (PPoint.X > rcPosition.Left) and (PPoint.X < rcPosition.Right) and
         (PPoint.Y > rcPosition.Top) and (PPoint.Y < rcPosition.Bottom) then
          //stuff dropped at our icon

  VirtualFreeEx(hTrayProc, lpData, 0, MEM_RELEASE);

Vermutung: Könnte man nicht jetzt schon die procedure WMDropFiles(var Msg: TMessage); Message WM_DropFiles; einsetzen? Da man ja weiß, dass etwas gedroppt wurde, braucht man doch jetzt nur noch die Pfade der gedropten Datei(en).

Btw, ist das erste Mal, dass ich so windowsnah unterwegs bin.
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