Thema: Delphi C-Like Formatfunktion

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Re: C-Like Formatfunktion

  Alt 8. Apr 2008, 23:56
function UnescapeC(const s: string): string;
var i, cidx: integer; inEscape: Boolean;

  procedure SpecialToChar(c: char): Char;
    case c of
      '0': result := #0;
      'a': result := #7;
      'b': result := #8;
      't': result := #9;
      'n': result := #10;
      'v': result := #11;
      'f': result := #12;
      'r': result := #13;
      'e': result := #27;

  if not assigned(s) or Length(s) < 2 then
    result := s;
  cidx := 1;
  inEscape := false;
  SetLength(result, Length(s));
  for i := 1 to Length(s) do
    case s[i] of
      '\': begin
             if inEscape then
               result[cidx] := '\';
             inEscape := not inEscape;
      '0', 'a', 'b', 't', 'n', 'v', 'f', 'r', 'e':
          if inEscape then
            result[cidx] := SpecialToChar(s[i]);
            result[cidx] := s[i];
          inEscape := false;
      result[cidx] := s[i];
  SetLength(result, cidx-1);
Habs nicht getestet, aber das sollte eigentlich funktionieren...
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