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powershell cmdlet (

Ein Thema von Remko · begonnen am 29. Feb 2008 · letzter Beitrag vom 3. Mär 2008
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Benutzerbild von Remko

Registriert seit: 10. Okt 2006
Ort: 's-Hertogenbosch, Die Niederlande
222 Beiträge
RAD-Studio 2010 Arc

powershell cmdlet (

  Alt 29. Feb 2008, 19:21
I am trying to convert this sample code in C# (creates a mailbox in Exchange 2007) to (RAD Studio 2007).

I installed PowerShell and made a reference to the System.Management.Automation.dll. On this code:

  rc: RunspaceConfiguration;
  snapEx: PSSnapInException;
  info: PSSnapInInfo;
  myRunSpace: Runspace;
  pl: PipeLine;
  newMbx: Command;
  snapEx := nil;
  rc := RunSpaceConfiguration.Create;
  info := rc.AddPSSnapIn('Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin', snapEx);
  MyRunSpace := RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(rc);
  pl := MyRunSpace.CreatePipeline;
I get error [DCC Error] uMain.pas(41): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'Create' on the line rc := RunSpaceConfiguration.Create;
According to MSDN the RunSpaceConfiguration class is abstract that might have something to do with it, but in all examples (VB and C#) it is used like this.

Maybe this is just .net being new to me... but any help/suggestions is welcome.
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Benutzerbild von Khabarakh

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Ort: Brackenheim VS08 Pro
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Re: powershell cmdlet (

  Alt 29. Feb 2008, 21:39
As you know, .Create in Delphi invokes a constructor, whereas the C# code invokes a static method called "Create". To do this in Delphi, try
RunSpaceConfiguration.&Create; This will prevent the compiler from interpreting "Create" as a constructor call.
Moderator in der EE
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Benutzerbild von Remko

Registriert seit: 10. Okt 2006
Ort: 's-Hertogenbosch, Die Niederlande
222 Beiträge
RAD-Studio 2010 Arc

Re: powershell cmdlet (

  Alt 29. Feb 2008, 21:43
Thanks, didn't realise that difference (I really don't know much of c# and I'm taking my 1st steps into .net). Compiles perfectly now!
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Benutzerbild von Remko

Registriert seit: 10. Okt 2006
Ort: 's-Hertogenbosch, Die Niederlande
222 Beiträge
RAD-Studio 2010 Arc

Re: powershell cmdlet (

  Alt 1. Mär 2008, 10:05
I ran into some more questions:
What does this do (is it some kind of try..finally construction?) and how to convert it?
using (pipeLine)
On this line:
 if (pipeLine.Error != null && pipeLine.Error.Count > 0)
I get an error on pl.Error.Count (again Syntax Highlighting shows the count property but Ide marks it as undeclared identifier).
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Benutzerbild von Remko

Registriert seit: 10. Okt 2006
Ort: 's-Hertogenbosch, Die Niederlande
222 Beiträge
RAD-Studio 2010 Arc

Re: powershell cmdlet (

  Alt 3. Mär 2008, 20:08
I'm just giving this a little *push* anyone?
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Re: powershell cmdlet (

  Alt 3. Mär 2008, 20:50
using (x) {
is equivalent to
try {
} finally {
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