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Re: indy10 / TCPServer /TCPClient ->Datei versenden

  Alt 6. Apr 2008, 14:40

Mann ist die Indyhilfe bescheiden...irgendwann erscheint der Button Home auf dem Link und dann eine Suchleiste,darin findet man z.B.
idStream.write und dort sieht man dann die benötigte Unit.

Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Types > TIdStream Type

TIdStream Type
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Implements a stream wrapper for the platforms supported by the Indy library.


TIdStream = TStream;


TIdStream is a TObject descendant that specifies a wrapper for stream classes. TIdStream isolates the differences between stream implementations for the platforms supported by the Indy library.

To minimize the number of overloaded methods required for TStream and .Net Stream arguments, TIdStream provides an implict converter as a class operator for VCL to .Net stream types.

TIdStream overrides provides methods used for reading and writing to the stream that isolate the differences between pointers and memory allocation for the .Net platform.
See Also

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Uses idObjs; //ist ja auch völlig logisch, lol,ob die wohl Drogen konsumieren?
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