OnIncludeItem wird nicht funktionieren. Siehe dazu auch:
At first glance, Windows® seems to offer exactly what you want. If you create your dialog with OFN_ENABLEINCLUDENOTIFY, Windows sends your hook procedure a CDN_INCLUDEITEM notification for every item it adds to the open list. If you return FALSE, Windows excludes the item. The problem is, Windows doesn't notify you for ordinary files, only pseudo-objects like namespace extensions. When you read the documentation through a magnifying glass, the print is perfectly clear: "The dialog box always includes items that have both the SFGAO_FILESYSTEM and SFGAO_FILESYSANCESTOR attributes, regardless of the value returned by CDN_INCLUDEITEM." Apparently the Redmondtonians added CDN_INCLUDEITEM for their own purposes, which didn't include filtering ordinary file names. Sigh
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