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Äääh, Toolbar? Ich such ne Menükomponente...
...ist es doch
Auch in Office 2003 z.B. ist die Menüleiste in Wirklichkeit eine Toolbar, und man kann TBX fast so aussehen lassen wie die vom Office.
Mein Installations-Tutorial:
// Nachtrag
Hier die Lizenzbedingungen zu Toolbar2000 - es ist kostenlos, wenn dein Programm der
GPL unterliegt. Allerdings hat er in seiner Newsgroup auch schon geschrieben, dass es ausreicht, wenn das Programm nicht kommerziell ist.

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All files included in the Toolbar2000 archive are Copyright (C) 1998-2005
Jordan Russell.
Use and/or distribution of the files requires compliance with the
"Toolbar2000 License", found in TB2k-LICENSE.txt or at:
Alternatively, at your option, the files may be used and/or distributed under
the terms of the "GNU General Public License", found in
GPL-LICENSE.txt or at:
NOTE: If you choose the
GPL license option, your application as a whole must
also be licensed under the
GPL. (Refer to section 2b of the
GPL license.)
Therefore, you cannot choose the
GPL license option if your application is
// Noch'n Nachtrag
Hier die entsprechende Stelle aus der anderen Datei:

Zitat von
5. You are permitted to Compile the Software into any kind of applications.
("Compile" here refers to the automatic process of translating the
Software's source code into executable machine code by a compiler such
as the one included with Borland's Delphi or C++Builder.)
However, compilation into commercial or shareware applications, or any
applications that you or your organization are profiting from, requires
registration (payment) of the software. Such payment is made to the Author
of the Software (Jordan Russell).
For information on registering, see the Toolbar2000 documentation or this
web page: