Thema: Delphi Vista Balloon Tip

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Ort: Bad Honnef
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Turbo Delphi für Win32

Re: Vista Balloon Tip

  Alt 15. Mär 2008, 18:50
Hab grad was gefunden, was dir helfen kann: TTM_SETWINDOWTHEME hab ich in der CommCtrl.h gefunden

MS VisualStudio 05 - Hilfe



Sets the visual style of a ToolTip control.


To send this message, call the SendMessage function as follows.
lResult = SendMessage( // returns nothing in lResult (HWND) hWndControl, // handle to destination control (UINT) TTM_SETWINDOWTHEME, // message ID (WPARAM) wParam, // = 0; not used, must be zero (LPARAM) lParam // = (LPARAM) (LPWSTR) pwStr; );

Must be zero.
Pointer to a Unicode string that contains the ToolTip visual style to set.
Return Value

The return value is not used.


Note To use this API, you must provide a manifest specifying Comclt32.dll version 6.0. For more information on manifests, see Using Windows XP Visual Styles.
Message Information

Header commctrl.h
Minimum operating systems Windows XP


© 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Quelle: ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/MS.MSDN.v80/MS.WIN32COM.v10.en/shellcc/platform/commctls/tooltip/messages/ttm_setwindowtheme.htm
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