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Re: Mit SaveToFile Daten an eine Datei anhängen?

  Alt 14. Mär 2008, 16:20
Zitat von Win32 SDK:
The EM_STREAMIN message replaces the contents of a rich edit control with the specified data stream.

wParam = (WPARAM) (UINT) uFormat;
lParam = (LPARAM) (EDITSTREAM FAR *) lpStream;



One of the following data formats:

Value Meaning
SF_RTF Rich Text Format (RTF)

Both data formats may be combined with the SFF_SELECTION flag. If the SFF_SELECTION flag is specified, the stream replaces the contents of the current selection. Otherwise, the stream replaces the entire contents of the control.
The SF_RTF format may be combined with the SFF_PLAINRTF flag. If the SFF_PLAINRTF flag is specified, language-specific RTF keywords in the stream are ignored. Only keywords common to all languages are streamed in.


Pointer to an EDITSTREAM structure. The control reads (streams in) the data by repeatedly calling the function specified by the structure's pfnCallback member.

Return Values

Returns the number of characters read.
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