Thema: Delphi Stringliste Umkehren

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Registriert seit: 30. Nov 2005
Ort: München
5.777 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: Stringliste Umkehren

  Alt 14. Mär 2008, 14:46
.. ist denn nicht ehr für soetwas gut?

for i:=daten.count -1 downto (daten.count -1) div 2 do

Aus der Hilfe zu Exchange:
Swaps the position of two strings in the list.

procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer); override;


Call Exchange to rearrange the strings in the list. The strings are specified by their index values in the Index1 and Index2 parameters. Indexes are zero-based, so the first string in the list has an index value of 0, the second has an index value of 1, and so on.

If either string has an associated object, Exchange changes the index of the object as well.

Warning: Do not call Exchange on a sorted list except to swap two identical strings with different associated objects. Exchange does not check whether the list is sorted, and can destroy the sort order of a sorted list.

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