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Registriert seit: 27. Feb 2008
Ort: Lübeck
29 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Enterprise

Re: Problem: DBEdit/Edit Felder per Knopfdruck generieren

  Alt 11. Mär 2008, 18:10
function Create_Fields(Mode, DLeft, DTop, DWidth, DHeight: Integer; DText: String): TDBEdit;

        var DBE: TDBEdit;
        var DLabel: TLabel;
        var DMemo: TMemo;
        var DEdit: TEdit;
        var i, x, y, LabelNum, DLeft_Counter: Integer;


                LabelNum := 1;

                        DLeft_Counter := 0;

                        for x := 1 to (Length(LabelArray) + 1) do begin

                                if LabelArray[x] = 'Artikelthen begin

                                        DMemo := TMemo.Create(Form1);
                                        with DMemo do begin

                                                Name := 'Memo_' + IntToStr(Save_NumFields);
                                                Parent := Form1.ScrollBox1;

                                                Left := Left + DLeft + DLeft_Counter;

                                                if x <= Length(LabelArray) then Top := Top + DTop + 16;

                                                Width := DWidth;
                                                Height := DHeight + 20;

                                                ScrollBars := ssVertical;

                                                Text := '';


                                end else begin

                                        if x <= Length(LabelArray) then begin

                                                DEdit := TEdit.Create(Form1);
                                                with DEdit do begin

                                                        Name := 'Edit_' + IntToStr(Save_NumFields);
                                                        Parent := Form1.ScrollBox1;

                                                        Left := Left + DLeft + DLeft_Counter;

                                                        if x <= Length(LabelArray) then Top := DTop + 32
                                                        else Top := DTop + 16;

                                                        if (LabelArray[x] = 'EP') OR (LabelArray[x] = 'GP') then begin

                                                                Width := DWidth - 80;
                                                                Text := '0,00'

                                                        else begin

                                                                Width := DWidth;
                                                                Text := '';


                                                        Height := DHeight;

                                                        if LabelArray[x] = 'GPthen Enabled := false;


                                                DBE := TDBEdit.Create(Form1);
                                                with DBE do begin

                                                        Name := 'DBEdit_' + IntToStr(Save_NumFields);
                                                        Parent := Form1.ScrollBox1;

                                                        Left := Left + DLeft + DLeft_Counter;

                                                        if x <= Length(LabelArray) then Top := DTop + 32
                                                        else Top := DTop + 16;

                                                        if (LabelArray[x] = 'EP') OR (LabelArray[x] = 'GP') then Width := DWidth - 80
                                                        else Width := DWidth;

                                                        Height := DHeight;

                                                        Text := DText;

                                                        Visible := false;



                                        DLabel := TLabel.Create(Form1);
                                        with DLabel do begin

                                                Name := 'Label_' + IntToStr(Save_NumFields);
                                                Parent := Form1.ScrollBox1;

                                                Left := Left + DLeft + DLeft_Counter;

                                                if x <= Length(LabelArray) then begin

                                                        if LabelArray[x] = 'Artikelthen Top := DTop - 56
                                                        else TLabel(DLabel).Top := DTop + 16;

                                                end else Top := DTop - 16;

                                                Caption := LabelArray[x];



                                LabelNum := LabelNum + 1;

                                if Mode = 0 then Save_NumFields := Save_NumFields + 1
                                else Save_NumFields := Save_NumFields - 1;

                                DLeft_Counter := DLeft_Counter + 136;


                        DLabel.Left := DLeft;
                        DTop := DTop + 48;

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