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Delphi 2006 Professional
Re: VST alle Hidden Rows wieder einblenden
10. Mär 2008, 08:35
Zitat von richard_boderich:
... welche Bedeutung der Filterparameter im InterateSubtree Funktionsaufruf hat? ...
Ein Blick in den Sourcecode sagt:
function TBaseVirtualTree.IterateSubtree(Node: PVirtualNode; Callback: TVTGetNodeProc; Data: Pointer;
Filter: TVirtualNodeStates = []; DoInit: Boolean = False; ChildNodesOnly: Boolean = False): PVirtualNode;
TVirtualNodeState = (
vsInitialized, // Set after the node has been initialized.
vsChecking, // Node's check state is changing, avoid propagation.
vsCutOrCopy, // Node is selected as cut or copy and paste source.
vsDisabled, // Set if node is disabled.
vsDeleting, // Set when the node is about to be freed.
vsExpanded, // Set if the node is expanded.
vsHasChildren, // Indicates the presence of child nodes without actually setting them.
vsVisible, // Indicate whether the node is visible or not (independant of the expand states of its parents).
vsSelected, // Set if the node is in the current selection.
vsInitialUserData, // Set if (via AddChild or InsertNode) initial user data has been set which requires OnFreeNode.
vsAllChildrenHidden, // Set if vsHasChildren is set and no child node has the vsVisible flag set.
vsClearing, // A node's children are being deleted. Don't register structure change event.
vsMultiline, // Node text is wrapped at the cell boundaries instead of being shorted.
vsHeightMeasured, // Node height has been determined and does not need a recalculation.
vsToggling // Set when a node is expanded/collapsed to prevent recursive calls.
TVirtualNodeStates = set of TVirtualNodeState;
Man kann also angeben auf welche Nodes die Callbackfunktion angewendet wird.
Stephan B. "Lasst den Gänsen ihre Füßchen"