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Registriert seit: 19. Jan 2003
732 Beiträge
Turbo Delphi für Win32

Re: TIDHttpServer ... RequestInfo.PostStream = nil

  Alt 9. Mär 2008, 21:55
Hat es irgendeinen Grund warum das so implementiert wurde, dass man nicht an den internen StringStream herankommt?
Eigentlich dürfte der PostStream niemals nil sein

  Rev 1.42    3/14/05 11:45:50 AM  RLebeau
  Buf fix for DoExecute() not not filling in the TIdHTTPRequestInfo.FormParams

  Removed LImplicitPostStream variable from DoExecute(), no longer used.
  TIdHTTPRequestInfo takes ownership of the PostStream anyway, so no need to
  free it early.  This also allows the PostStream to always be available in the
  OnCommand... event handlers.


              // Grab Params so we can parse them
              // POSTed data - may exist with GETs also. With GETs, the action
              // params from the form element will be posted
              // TODO: Rune this is the area that needs fixed. Ive hacked it for now
              // Get data can exists with POSTs, but can POST data exist with GETs?
              // If only the first, the solution is easy. If both - need more
              // investigation.

              // i := StrToIntDef(LRequestInfo.Headers.Values['Content-Length'], -1); {Do not Localize}
              LRequestInfo.PostStream := nil;
              CreatePostStream(AContext, LRequestInfo.RawHeaders, LRequestInfo.FPostStream);
              if LRequestInfo.FPostStream = nil then begin
                LRequestInfo.FPostStream := TMemoryStream.Create; {Do not Localize}
Ich verwende die Version die bei Delphi7 Enterprise dabei ist.
Wer lesen kann... (ich = Idiot)
Dani H.
At Least I Can Say I Tried
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