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Zahlen addieren

Ein Thema von zebrafalke · begonnen am 24. Jul 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Jul 2006
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Registriert seit: 30. Nov 2005
Ort: München
5.777 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: Zahlen addieren

  Alt 24. Jul 2006, 18:00
aus der Hilfe:

[quote]procedure AssignFile(var F; FileName: string);


Call AssignFile to initialize a file variable. F is a file variable of any file type. FileName is a string-type expression or an expression of type PChar if extended syntax is enabled.

After calling AssignFile, F is associated with the external file until F is closed. All further operations on the file variable F operate on the external file named by FileName.

When the FileName parameter is empty, AssignFile associates F with the standard input or standard output file. If assigned an empty name, after a call to Reset (F), F refers to the standard input file, and after a call to Rewrite (F), F refers to the standard output file.

Do not use AssignFile on a file variable that is already open.

Note: To avoid scope conflicts, AssignFile replaces the Assign procedure that was available in previous versions of Delphi. However, for backward compatibility Assign is still available.[/quote]

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