Um Menüs dynamisch aufzubauen gibt es die Funktionen (
Unit Menus):
function NewMenu(Owner: TComponent; const AName: string; Items: array of TMenuItem): TMainMenu;
function NewPopupMenu(Owner: TComponent; const AName: string;
Alignment: TPopupAlignment; AutoPopup: Boolean; Items: array of TMenuitem): TPopupMenu;
function NewSubMenu(const ACaption: string; hCtx: Word;
const AName: string; Items: array of TMenuItem; AEnabled: Boolean = True): TMenuItem;
function NewItem(const ACaption: string; AShortCut: TShortCut;
AChecked, AEnabled: Boolean; AOnClick: TNotifyEvent; hCtx: Word;
const AName: string): TMenuItem;
function NewLine: TMenuItem;