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OneInst - Problem bei der Übergabe von Parameter

Ein Thema von Mazel · begonnen am 8. Jul 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 17. Jul 2006
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Registriert seit: 11. Nov 2005
Ort: Leipzig
831 Beiträge

Re: OneInst - Problem bei der Übergabe von Parameter

  Alt 9. Jul 2006, 10:11
Ok, ich habe jetzt hier mal die oneinst:
unit OneInst;


{ Make a call to this procedure in your project source
  immediately before the first call to CreateForm.
  That should ensure it is after the Application.Title
  assignment that can muck up the logic.

  If you haven't set an application title yet, then
  do so to ensure this works }

procedure EnsureSingleInstance (MyGUID : string) ;


  WinTypes, WinProcs, Forms, SysUtils, Messages;

procedure EnsureSingleInstance (MyGUID : string) ;
  Wnd: HWnd;
  WndClass, WndText: array[0..255] of char;
{$ifdef Win32} 
  { Try and create a semaphore. If we succeed, then check } 
  { if the semaphore was already present. If it was } 
  { then a previous instance is floating around. } 
  { Note the OS will free the returned semaphore handle } 
  { when the app shuts so we can forget about it } 
  if (CreateSemaphore(nil, 0, 1,
        PChar(MyGUID)) <> 0) and
     (GetLastError = Error_Already_Exists) then
  if HPrevInst <> 0 then
    Wnd := GetWindow(Application.Handle, gw_HWndFirst); //hier erfahre ich das Handle
    while Wnd <> 0 do
      { Look for the other TApplication window out there } 
      if Wnd <> Application.Handle then
        { Check it's definitely got the same class and caption } 
        GetClassName(Wnd, WndClass, Pred(SizeOf(WndClass)));
        GetWindowText(Wnd, WndText, Succ(Length(Application.Title)));
        if (StrPas(WndClass) = Application.ClassName) and
           (StrPas(WndText) = Application.Title) then
          { This technique is used by the VCL: post } 
          { a message then bring the window to the } 
          { top, before the message gets processed } 
          PostMessage(Wnd, wm_SysCommand, sc_Restore, 0);
{$ifdef Win32} 
         {meine Abfrage von ParamStr und dann an das erhaltene Handle sendeen}
          If ParamStr(1) <> 'then with MyCopyDataStruct do
            cbData:=Length(PChar(ParamStr(1))) + 1;
            SendMessage(Wnd, WM_COPYDATA, 0, LPARAM(@MyCopyDataStruct));
      Wnd := GetWindow(Wnd, gw_HWndNext)

Marcel Jänicke
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