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connect trough proxy in LAN , how to emulate this ?

Ein Thema von marconi8 · begonnen am 8. Aug 2003
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Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2003
19 Beiträge

connect trough proxy in LAN , how to emulate this ?

  Alt 8. Aug 2003, 09:11
i test my c/s app in my LAN,

my task is next: client must connect to the server, client and server running on socket,

i try to make client connection by this way:

1) client connects ->
2) authorization on proxy server
3) proxy - > server

i must to connect to the server app which is running on my pc ( trough proxy....

i uncheck ie checkbox "bypass proxy server for local...."
in TIdHTTP client i setup up proxy ip, user, password,

but tIdHTTP event onproxy authorization dont want to work, ?????
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