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proxy type detection ??? someone knows something about this

Ein Thema von marconi8 · begonnen am 7. Aug 2003
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Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2003
19 Beiträge

proxy type detection ??? someone knows something about this

  Alt 7. Aug 2003, 22:14
ok. people, my question is about proxy type:

i must detect if client in LAN uses proxy for net using
i must to detect kind of proxy server

sock 4, sock 5, https, http how to make this ????

and for example i know that client uses proxy http then i must to use components for data exchange like TIDHTTP client /server

but if i know that client in LAN uses HTTPs, then i must to use another components or TIDHTTP with ssl ?????

but if proxy = sock or sock 5 which of indy components i must to use ????

sorry but i am new to this kind of programing
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