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Benutzerbild von stahli

Registriert seit: 26. Nov 2003
Ort: Halle/Saale
4.346 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: Suche Komponenten mit gutem Design

  Alt 9. Jan 2008, 19:29
... schnelle Antwort erhalten - heute bestellt

Hello and thanks for the quick response.
I have today the appointment of the same causes and I am looking forward to the next release.

Best Regards,
André Stahl

----- Original Message -----
From: AC support
To: André Stahl

Hello André, thanks for demo-project and for your interest to AlphaControls
1. Problem with refreshing of TsEdits will be solved in the nearest release.
2. We have TsUpDown control whith OnClick event where Button:TUDBtnType parameter exists.
3. OnUpClick and OnDownClick events will be added to the TsSpinEdit control in the next package release

Please write me again if problems will not be saved

Happy New Year!
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