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Registriert seit: 24. Mär 2004
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Delphi XE5 Professional

Re: Aus Delphi heraus mit Flash kommunizieren

  Alt 3. Jan 2008, 16:36
[edit]Auf wunsch des Nachschreibers kopiere ich mal den Titel des Threads hier drüber:

Aus Delphi heraus mit Flash kommunizieren
und die einleitungsworte der webseite:
In this Delphi programming tutorial we are going to cover how to put Adobe Flash animations into your Delphi applications. We do this by creating a new package and then installing the ShockwaveFlash ActiveX control. Watch the movie here. The movie is under 8 minutes long and you can download the flash examples I used below.
Just in case you want to try this out for yourself here are the two flash examples (you may need to right click and "save as"): Flash is Running and the Biolife movie. The day after producing this I'm going through delphifeeds.com and notice that Felix Colibri has a similar tutorial.
Last Updated ( Monday, 15 October 2007 )
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