{ Translated from
WINNT.H (only things needed for
API calls) }
{line 510}
* Language IDs.
{ Primary language IDs. }
{ Sublanguage IDs. }
{ The name immediately following SUBLANG_ dictates which primary
language ID that sublanguage ID can be combined with to form a
valid language ID. }
{ Sorting IDs. }
* A language ID is a 16 bit value which is the combination of a
* primary language ID and a secondary language ID. The bits are
* allocated as follows:
* [color=#ff0000]+-----------------------+-------------------------+[/color]
* [color=#ff0000]| Sublanguage ID | Primary Language ID |[/color]
* [color=#ff0000]+-----------------------+-------------------------+[/color]
* 15 10 9 0 bit
* A locale ID is a 32 bit value which is the combination of a
* language ID, a sort ID, and a reserved area. The bits are
* allocated as follows:
* +-------------+---------[color=#7f0000]+-------------------------+[/color]
* | Reserved | Sort ID [color=#7f0000]| Language ID |[/color]
* +-------------+---------[color=#7f0000]+-------------------------+[/color]
* 31 20 19 16 15 0 bit