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Re: mehrsprachige Resourcen nutzen

  Alt 3. Jan 2008, 13:49
hab's zwar nich auf die Schnelle im MSDN gefunden, aber hier was aus der Windows.pas

LANGID kann beides enthalten ... intern rechnest du es ja auch zusammen
und an die meisten WinAPIs gibt man es auch zusammen weiter.

language ID [16 bit] = Sublanguage ID + Primary Language ID

{ Translated from WINNT.H (only things needed for API calls) }

{line 510}
 *  Language IDs.

{ Primary language IDs. }


{ Sublanguage IDs. }

  { The name immediately following SUBLANG_ dictates which primary
    language ID that sublanguage ID can be combined with to form a
    valid language ID. }


{ Sorting IDs. }


 *  A language ID is a 16 bit value which is the combination of a
 *  primary language ID and a secondary language ID. The bits are
 *  allocated as follows:
 *       [color=#ff0000]+-----------------------+-------------------------+[/color]
 *       [color=#ff0000]|     Sublanguage ID   |   Primary Language ID  |[/color]
 *       [color=#ff0000]+-----------------------+-------------------------+[/color]
 *        15                   10 9                       0   bit
 *  A locale ID is a 32 bit value which is the combination of a
 *  language ID, a sort ID, and a reserved area. The bits are
 *  allocated as follows:
 *       +-------------+---------[color=#7f0000]+-------------------------+[/color]
 *       |   Reserved | Sort ID [color=#7f0000]|      Language ID       |[/color]
 *       +-------------+---------[color=#7f0000]+-------------------------+[/color]
 *        31         20 19     16 15                      0   bit
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