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Java string to delphi

Ein Thema von pastra · begonnen am 25. Jun 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 25. Jun 2006
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Registriert seit: 23. Jun 2006
21 Beiträge

Java string to delphi

  Alt 25. Jun 2006, 14:29
Hi, does anyone know the how to do the following in delphi.

string + '\0' What does \0 mean in java?

Thank's to everyone!
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Registriert seit: 21. Jul 2002
Ort: Bonn
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Turbo Delphi für Win32

Re: Java string to delphi

  Alt 25. Jun 2006, 14:30
I suppose it means the ASCII-/Unicode-Character 0. In Delphi it would be
// or
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Registriert seit: 23. Jun 2006
21 Beiträge

Re: Java string to delphi

  Alt 25. Jun 2006, 14:33
Zitat von Chakotay1308:
I suppose it means the ASCII-/Unicode-Character 0. In Delphi it would be
// or
Okay but what char. should reprecent chr(0) then? Don't they start at 1 and goes forward to 256? Or am i Mistaken?
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Benutzerbild von glkgereon

Registriert seit: 16. Mär 2004
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Re: Java string to delphi

  Alt 25. Jun 2006, 14:34
It goes from 0 to 255

0 normally represents the end of a string in C or java as far as i remember...
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Re: Java string to delphi

  Alt 25. Jun 2006, 14:35
Zitat von pastra:
Okay but what char. should reprecent chr(0) then? Don't they start at 1 and goes forward to 256? Or am i Mistaken?
Slightly. It's 0 to 255

>> <<

(Nanu? Vorhin war das Posting da oben noch nicht da... )
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Registriert seit: 23. Jun 2006
21 Beiträge

Re: Java string to delphi

  Alt 25. Jun 2006, 14:36
Zitat von glkgereon:
It goes from 0 to 255

0 normally represents the end of a string in C or java as far as i remember...
Okay then

I will try to use the chr(0) then and see how it works out..

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