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array of pointers

Ein Thema von sk.Silvia · begonnen am 24. Jun 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Jun 2006
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Benutzerbild von sk.Silvia

Registriert seit: 8. Feb 2006
Ort: Slovenia
90 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal

array of pointers

  Alt 24. Jun 2006, 14:57
hi there, i want to make an array of pointers as follows

type pointer_array=array[0..50] of pointer;
var Pointers:pointer_array;

      procedure HandleInput(Message1:string; var ExportVar:real);
          Pointers[Step_input]:=ExportVar; //DONT WORK
          Pointers[Step_input]:=^ExportVar; //DONT WORK
          ^Pointers[Step_input]:=^ExportVar; //DONT WORK
          //unimportant commands here
what i want to do, is to store a pointer to each variable imported to procedure
(HandleInput('0', CXC)-> ExportVar=CXC -> i will store a pointer to CXC)
how to do it?

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Benutzerbild von JasonDX

Registriert seit: 5. Aug 2004
Ort: München
1.062 Beiträge

Re: array of pointers

  Alt 24. Jun 2006, 15:01
You need the address of a variable, which you'll store in a Pointer. To get the Address of a Variable, use the @-Operator.
In your case it would be then:
Pointers[Step_input] := @ExportVar greetz
Passion is no replacement for reason
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Benutzerbild von sk.Silvia

Registriert seit: 8. Feb 2006
Ort: Slovenia
90 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal

Re: array of pointers

  Alt 24. Jun 2006, 15:09

and now when i will to get the value of the variable on what it shows

Pointers[Step_input] := @ExportVar;
how do i get the value 10 from Pointers[Step_input]
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Benutzerbild von sk.Silvia

Registriert seit: 8. Feb 2006
Ort: Slovenia
90 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal

Re: array of pointers

  Alt 24. Jun 2006, 15:19
procedure HandleInput(Message1:string; var ExportVar:real);
var i1:integer;
i tried to make this, but it isnt working (@adr:=Pointers[i1]; - cannot assign left side)
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Benutzerbild von JasonDX

Registriert seit: 5. Aug 2004
Ort: München
1.062 Beiträge

Re: array of pointers

  Alt 24. Jun 2006, 15:19
You have to dereference the Pointer. This usually works like this:
IntegerValue := PointerToInteger^ But, since you're not using typed Pointers, you have to tell, that this is an integer, so a simle cast is enaugh:
IntegerValue := Integer(Pointers[Step_input]^) btw, code is always easier to read, if you use typed Pointers (means: ^integer instead of Pointer), so if you intend to store only one Datatype in those Pointers, youse typed Pointers

Passion is no replacement for reason
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Benutzerbild von sk.Silvia

Registriert seit: 8. Feb 2006
Ort: Slovenia
90 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal

Re: array of pointers

  Alt 24. Jun 2006, 15:22
Dankeshon, its working fine, thanks
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Benutzerbild von sk.Silvia

Registriert seit: 8. Feb 2006
Ort: Slovenia
90 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal

Re: array of pointers

  Alt 24. Jun 2006, 16:02
well but there is a problem

the adress of ExportVar and Ratio is the same, thats OK
but why is the value of tmpr not same as the value of Ratio=ExportVar (the value of tmpr is 0 and the value of Ratio is 1,58 )?
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Benutzerbild von JasonDX

Registriert seit: 5. Aug 2004
Ort: München
1.062 Beiträge

Re: array of pointers

  Alt 24. Jun 2006, 19:11
Zitat von sk.Silvia:
the adress of ExportVar and Ratio is the same, thats OK
but why is the value of tmpr not same as the value of Ratio=ExportVar (the value of tmpr is 0 and the value of Ratio is 1,58 )?
On the left side of your Code you see a fiew blue points. In some lines these blue points are missing. This means, that this line of code has not been compiled, most times, because it was unnecessary. Here you're propably not using the variable temp anymore after the assignment, so it is unnecessary to execute that operation.
As short answer: the variable temp has the value 0, because the value has not been assigned for optimation reasons.
There are two ways to avoid this:
  1. you do something with the variable after the assignment. A ShowMessage(FloatToStr(temp)), for example.
  2. you disable compiler Optimation for the necessary lines of code, by using the {$O+/-}-Flags.

Passion is no replacement for reason
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