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TIdHTTP (client) WriteStream - some problem with indy buffer

Ein Thema von marconi8 · begonnen am 3. Aug 2003 · letzter Beitrag vom 7. Aug 2003
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Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2003
19 Beiträge

TIdHTTP (client) WriteStream - some problem with indy buffer

  Alt 3. Aug 2003, 21:23
people i cannot find in indy help why i got this error...

1. my client application is:

2. my server application is:

3. now client app makes this:

AStream:=TFileStream.Create('readme.txt',fmOpenRea d);

with client do //client is name of TIdHTTP component

when WriteStream performs i get the error in client app,

error is like : error in parsing command, one word said i cannot copy file trough network into server side

i must to copy with stream file into server....

how can i make this ? and how to make writestream in client withoput errors

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Benutzerbild von DataCool

Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2003
Ort: Lingen
909 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

Re: TIdHTTP (client) WriteStream - some problem with indy bu

  Alt 4. Aug 2003, 22:09

why did you use TIdHttpServer instead of TIdTcpServer and TidTcpClient ?

before you open the writebuffer to send the stream, did you open the connection ?

Which kind of error message did you get ?
Der Horizont vieler Menschen ist ein Kreis mit Radius Null, und das nennen sie ihren Standpunkt.
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Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2003
19 Beiträge

Re: TIdHTTP (client) WriteStream - some problem with indy bu

  Alt 7. Aug 2003, 11:10
i use TIdHTTP client /server because this protokol (http) can work with proxy.

using TIdTCP client /server i cannot find options for proxy using with connection ....

but in TIdHTTP client component is present proxy option,

can you something to advice to me about working with proxy ?

using TIDTcp client/server i can without any problems send from peer connection to the server any commands, and server without problems will catch them, i also can without problems to make data exchange , i use writestream and on the server side readstream, it works normally using tIdtcp client /server

but what about TIdHTTP ????????

with tIDhttp client i send command but server does not makes any response to thhe client, why ?

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Benutzerbild von DataCool

Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2003
Ort: Lingen
909 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

Re: TIdHTTP (client) WriteStream - some problem with indy bu

  Alt 7. Aug 2003, 14:49

you need the Http communication to work over a proxy server, that's ok.
I think the mistake is not that the ServerSocker is not active

so what could be the error reason ?! I think you've some problems to establish the connection to the server, because of the proxy.

So, which proxy settings you have ?

Expand the proxyParam property in the object inspector from delphi and enter your settings for the proxy server, i hope that it will work then.

If there's still an error, please tell me excatly which error message occur and please post some of your THttpSever code.


Der Horizont vieler Menschen ist ein Kreis mit Radius Null, und das nennen sie ihren Standpunkt.
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Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2003
19 Beiträge

Re: TIdHTTP (client) WriteStream - some problem with indy bu

  Alt 7. Aug 2003, 22:00
i have solved this problem, problem was = my big error

if i use for string data exchange tcp client/server then on the served side in the tIdTcpserver i can create any command name in commandhandler list, and if i send from tidtcp client command
like sendCmd('myOvnCommand',1) then all will works fine

but if i write this command in TIdHTTP server component, for example
in TIDHttp server .commandhandler will be created command = "myOvnCommand" then if client makes this = sendCmd("myOvnCommand",1) then server executes command onother command, because i have not readed before my app starting indy help, three is writed that true commands for tidhttp server are only get,post,head,
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