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Alter Mann

Registriert seit: 15. Nov 2003
Ort: Berlin
948 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

Re: Daten bei TMonthCalendar markieren

  Alt 13. Dez 2007, 19:40
Hi blackdrake,

hast Du den Source von ComCtrls und CommCtrl?

Wenn JA dann schau Dir procedure TMonthCalendar.CNNotify(var Message: TWMNotify); (ComCtrls) und
tagNMDAYSTATE = packed record(CommCtrl) an.

Wenn NEIN dann musst Du damit leben.
// MCN_GETDAYSTATE is sent for MCS_DAYSTATE controls whenever new daystate
// information is needed (month or year scroll) to draw bolding information.
// The app must fill in cDayState months worth of information starting from
// stStart date. The app may fill in the array at prgDayState or change
// prgDayState to point to a different array out of which the information
// will be copied. (similar to tooltips)
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