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BDS Hotfix 3 und 4

Ein Thema von Daniel · begonnen am 5. Jun 2006
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Registriert seit: 30. Mai 2002
Ort: Hamburg
13.920 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

BDS Hotfix 3 und 4

  Alt 5. Jun 2006, 16:56
Zwei weitere Updates ("Hotfixes") sind für das BDS2006 erschienen - gültig für alle Sprachen:

Hotfix 3
This hotfix contains a fix for customers who were unable to run the BDS2006 IDE after installing Update 2. For those customers, the IDE would start to load, and as soon as the splash screen was shown, it would disappear and the IDE would not run.

Hotfix 4
This hotfix contains a fix for HTML Editor for international characters. In DBCS environment, such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean, international character in the HTML editor may become corrupted or lost.
Download unter der Adresse
Daniel R. Wolf
mit Grüßen aus Hamburg
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