rocedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 0) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = False) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=50')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 1) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = False) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=100')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 2) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = False) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=150')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 3) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = False) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=200')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 4) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = False) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=250')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 5) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = False) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=300')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 6) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = False) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=350')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 7) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = False) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=400')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 8) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = False) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=450')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 9) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = False) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=500')
else if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 0) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = true) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=50&case=on')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 1) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = true) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=100&case=on')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 2) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = true) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=150&case=on')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 3) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = true) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=200&case=on')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 4) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = true) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=250&case=on')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 5) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = true) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=300&case=on')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 6) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = true) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=350&case=on')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 7) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = true) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=400&case=on')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 8) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = true) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=450&case=on')
ELSE if (ComboBoxex1.ItemIndex = 9) AND (CheckBox3.Checked = true) then
webBrowser1.Navigate ('
ftp/nph-find-file?pattern=' + edit1.text + '&max_match=500&case=on')