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Benutzerbild von Remko

Registriert seit: 10. Okt 2006
Ort: 's-Hertogenbosch, Die Niederlande
222 Beiträge
RAD-Studio 2010 Arc

Re: WTSQuerySessionInformation IPv6 address

  Alt 19. Nov 2007, 13:47
This is a helper function:
procedure TJwWTSSession.GetSessionInfoPtr(const WTSInfoClass: _WTS_INFO_CLASS;
  var ABuffer: Pointer);
var dwBytesReturned: DWORD;
  Res: Bool;
  Res :=
    WTSQuerySessionInformationW(GetServerHandle, FSessionId, WTSInfoClass,
      ABuffer, dwBytesReturned);
    WTSQuerySessionInformationA(GetServerHandle, FSessionId, WTSInfoClass,
      ABuffer, dwBytesReturned);
  // function always returns an error 997: overlapped IO on session 0
  if (not Res) and (FSessionId <> 0) then
    raise EJwsclWinCallFailedException.CreateFmtWinCall(RsWinCallFailed,
      'WTSQuerySessionInformation', ClassName, RSUNTerminalServer, 0, True,
      'WTSQuerySessionInformation', ['WTSQuerySessionInformation']);
And this is where the ClientAddress is retrieved, as you can see I'm dumping this to a .bin file now (which is what I pasted above)
function TJwWTSSession.GetClientAddress: TJwString;
var ClientAddressPtr: PWtsClientAddress;
  ZeroMemory(ClientAddressPtr, SizeOf(TWtsClientAddress));
  GetSessionInfoPtr(WTSClientAddress, Pointer(ClientAddressPtr));
  {Note that the first byte of the IP address returned in the ppBuffer
  parameter will be located at an offset of 2 bytes from the start of
   the Address member of the returned WTS_CLIENT_ADDRESS structure.}

  case ClientAddressPtr^.AddressFamily of
      Result := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d', [ClientAddressPtr^.Address[2],
        ClientAddressPtr^.Address[3], ClientAddressPtr^.Address[4],
// Result := 'IPv6 address not yet supported';
        with TFileStream.Create('C:\temp\AF_INET6.bin', fmCreate) do
          Write(ClientAddressPtr^, SizeOf(TWtsClientAddress));
      Result := 'IPX is not supported';
      Result := 'NETBIOS is not supported';
      Result := '';
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