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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (für nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 13. Nov 2007, 21:18
Zitat von Razor:
how can you write code for other users how!
Because other users show that they are dealing with the topic and are trying to learn something new. They wanted to learn and also do this. You got something done (e.g. the CPU temp on intel), but you have not yet followed e.g. one hint: learn the basics! You still ask questions about basic things, even about retrieving the results of a function. You that you are not willing to learn the language but you still bother to get your code together. You use any thread to get this and you post so many messages you need, till you get it nearly finished. But you even fail in glueing the sources together...

I am not willing to build your application and I am not willing to help you, as long as you only spam to get your result, directly fitting in your sources. You have not basic skills but want the highest achievements. I respect your endurance - really!

Zitat von Razor:
but ok i understand...I am not german thats why...
You know that's not the reason and instead of being encouraged to get the solution and try to learn the needed things, you try to still get from other people (me or even other)...

Zitat von Razor:
i cant
You can, but the worse thing: you need to do it by yourself and you even have to learn something for that, etc.

But why you always get back here? Nobody else found in the english-speaking/writing boards/sites?

It is really pathetic, what you try to do here...
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