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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (für nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 13. Nov 2007, 10:01
Zitat von Razor:
@Muetze1:I can read/write byte with I2C bus now i only need the sdk translated for ATI and then turboPacal can include ATI also .
Only the needed ports and such things only important things,c++ 2 delphi.
1. What for a SDK?
2. Yeah, and now? What do you want from me?
3. If I should write something for you: what do you offer per hour?
4. The I2C is a two-wire serial bus system. You have to find a device on this bus, that can be used as a master for initiating data transfers and this device must be accessible by the CPU to control the data transfer (or initiate it). So, do you have any information about the I2C device inside the ATI graphic cards?

Wikipedia offers nearly all data needed to understand how it works and so to understand that it is not so as you think and try to get it done by others. Do it yourself. Read yourself & program yourself.
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