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Aber wie kann ich denn die kompletten Node in der VST durchlaufen
IterateSubtree geht sehr gut dazu
brauchst nur eine callback funktion schreiben.
function TBaseVirtualTree.IterateSubtree(Node: PVirtualNode; Callback: TVTGetNodeProc; Data: Pointer;
Filter: TVirtualNodeStates = []; DoInit: Boolean = False; ChildNodesOnly: Boolean = False): PVirtualNode;
// Iterates through the all children and grandchildren etc. of Node (or the entire tree if Node = nil)
// and calls for each node the provided callback method (which must not be empty).
// Filter determines which nodes to consider (an empty set denotes all nodes).
// If DoInit is True then nodes which aren't initialized yet will be initialized.
// Note: During execution of the callback the application can set Abort to True. In this case the iteration is stopped
// and the last accessed node (the one on which the callback set Abort to True) is returned to the caller.
// Otherwise (no abort) nil is returned.
procedure(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode; Data: Pointer; var Abort: Boolean) of object;