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Registriert seit: 21. Apr 2004
Ort: Tuningen
367 Beiträge
Delphi XE2 Enterprise

Re: UDP - Indy - Socket Error #10004

  Alt 1. Nov 2007, 02:06
hi .. hat sich erledigt .. den Fehler bekommst du doch nur in der IDE oder ?

Note: All Indy exceptions descend from EIdException. By default, Delphi 7 has at least one item in Tools > Debugger Options > Language Exceptions related to Indy, "Indy EIDSilentException Exceptions", and, possibly "Indy EIDSocketError Exceptions"... which do not prevent the IDE to fail when running in the by design exception EIdSocketError "Socket Error # 10004". The reason is that the actual exception is "EIdSocketError", not "Indy EIDSocketError Exceptions". Add the former through the Add button, don't forget to add IdException in the users section, and you won't be stopped by the IDE anymore.
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